
Nuclear Power

14 May 2024

Ukraine's Energoatom, S. Korea's Hyundai Agree to Cooperate on Nuclear Energy

14 May 2024  by interfax   
Ukrainian nuclear power company Energoatom and South Korea's Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. (HDEC) signed a memorandum of cooperation Monday on the design, construction and launch of new nuclear generating units in Ukraine, Ukrainian media reported the country's Energy Ministry as saying on Telegram.

The document was signed in Kiev by Energoatom acting president Petr Kotin and Hyundai Engineering & Construction executive vice president and chief operating officer Young Choi in the presence of Ukrainian Energy Minister German Galuschenko and South Korean Ambassador to Ukraine Kim Hyung Tae.

The document calls for Korean assistance in the development of production facilities to localize manufacturing of equipment in Ukraine.

Kotin said that Hyundai investment and technology will help the company to carry out promising projects. "We are extremely interested in closer cooperation with South Korea, particularly on supplies of various equipment for the construction of NPP, including turbine islands for generating units," Kotin was quoted as saying on Energoatom's Telegram channel.

Young Choi said the signing of the memorandum confirms that Hyundai is open to partnership with Energoatom.

Kim Hyung Tae said the signing of the document will facilitate the development of Ukrainian-Korean cooperation in the nuclear sector, including the sharing of experience in nuclear technologies.

The Energy Ministry said the memorandum was drawn up in line with agreements set out in a letter of intent that was signed at the World Nuclear Exhibition in Paris at the end of November 2023.


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