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Nuclear Fuel
Nuclear Power
Work Starts on Taiwanese Fuel Storage Facility
The groundbreaking ceremonyA groundbreaking ceremony has been held to mark the long-delayed start of construction of an outdoor dry storage facility for used nu
Nuclear Power
Belgium’s Renewable Energy Production Declines for the First Time Since 2016
For the first time since 2016, Belgium produced less renewable energy in 2024 compared to the previous year. De Tijd and L'Echo reported this on Thursday ba
Nuclear Power
Westinghouse Signs Agreement to Diversify Fuel Supply for Bulgarian Plant
The company has signed a contract with Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant to conduct safety analysis for licensing a new nuclear fuel assembly design for Kozloduy uni
Nuclear Power
Final Nuclear Fuel Removed From Gremikha Naval Base
Spent nuclear fuel is loaded onboard Rosatomflot’s special purpose vessel Rossita at Gremikha naval base (Photo credit: Rosatom)Rosatom reports that the l
Nuclear Power
US Development Agency Announces Grants for Bulgarian Nuclear Projects
The US Trade and Development Agency has signed two grant agreements to support Bulgaria's nuclear ambitions: one will support a cost-shared feasibility stud
Nuclear Power
Last Used Nuclear Fuel Removed From Gremikha Naval Base
The process of removing the used uranium-beryllium fuel from former nuclear submarine reactors at the Russian naval base Gremikha has concluded after more than
Nuclear Power
Russia Tests Advanced VVER Reactor Fuel
The tests are being carried out at the NIIAR at the MIR.M1 research reactorTests are underway using the MIR.M1 research reactor at Russia’s Research Insti
Nuclear Power
Rosatom Starts Reactor Tests Aiming to Increase Nuclear Fuel Enrichment
Russia's Rosatom is testing VVER nuclear fuel containing the neutron absorber erbium and uranium enriched to about 5%. It says such fuel could significantly
Nuclear Power
GoviEx Commences Niger Arbitration Proceedings
The Vancouver-based company is seeking arbitration on the basis that the State of Niger breached its legal obligations when it withdrew the company's mining
Nuclear Power
GLE Acquires Land for Uranium Enrichment
Visualisation of the planned Paducah Laser Enrichment Facility (Photo credit: GLE)Global Laser Enrichment (GLE), jointly owned by Australia’s Silex System
Nuclear Power
Orano Signs Japanese MOX Fuel Contracts
MOX fuel assembly (Credit: MHI)The Orano group has signed two mixed oxide (MOX) fuel manufacturing contracts with the Japan’s Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
Nuclear Power
Uzbekistan Signs Agreements on Nuclear Cooperation
As a one-day international conference on nuclear energy takes place, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev announced that the country is to work with the I
Nuclear Power
Cold Tests Completed At First San'ao Unit
Cold functional tests have been completed at unit 1 of the San'ao nuclear power plant in China's Zhejiang province, China General Nuclear has announced. The uni
Nuclear Power
GA Develops Nuclear Fuel Digital Twin
One of the four individual models is used to analyze the fibre architecture within SiGA cladding (Credit: General Atomics)US-based General Atomics Electromagnet
Nuclear Power
Nuclear Fuel Costs Soar as Conversion and Enrichment Bottleneck Strains Supply
Demand for nuclear fuel has increased from the recent expansion of nuclear initiatives worldwide. Credit: Wolf Cocklin via Getty Images.The cost of nuclear fuel
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Most views from Nuclear Fuel
Alexey Likhachev, Director General of ROSATOM, held the meeting with Zhang Kejian, the head of the China Atomic Energy Authority
Final Nuclear Fuel Removed From Gremikha Naval Base
Work Starts on Taiwanese Fuel Storage Facility
IAEA Strengthens Cooperation With China
IAEA Warns of further Nuclear Deal Violations by Iran
The Head of Rosatom Alexey Likhachev Met with IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi