

11 Mar 2022

Three Municipalities in Greater Paris Team up on Geothermal District Heating

11 Mar 2022  by   

Pantin Mills, and canal of Ourcq, in Pantin, Seine-Saint-Denis, France (source: flickr/ Benh LIEU SONG, creative commons)
Last month, three municipalities and an intermunicipal syndicate launched plans for geothermal heating in mid February 2022. The local public company will orchestrate the implementation of a geothermal district heating network, as beneficial to the planet as to the purchasing power of its beneficiaries, as the elected officials have pointed out. The municipalities are situated in the North/ Northeast of Paris.

Geothermal energy allows heating by drawing water whose temperature varies between 60 and 80 degrees C, exploiting the energy of the Dogger, located between 1,500 and 2,000 m deep. Renewable, carbon-free energy since the water thus drilled is then returned to the groundwater from which it comes. And, last but not least, geothermal energy reduces household energy bills estimated at 25%.

Bertrand Kern, Lionel Benharous and Laurent Baron, respectively mayors of Pantin, Lilas and Pré Saint-Gervais (Seine-Saint-Denis), just like Jacques JP Martin, the president of the Intermunicipal Syndicate of the Parisian periphery for energies and communication networks (Sipperec), did not fail to emphasize that this initiative was as good for the planet as for its direct beneficiaries. At a time when the ecological transition is essential and when the cost of energy is exploding.

The three towns and Sipperec, whose sustainable development constitutes one of the essential missions, are the shareholders of the local public company which has just been created to implement this network (to the tune of EUR 1.5 million for Sipperec, EUR 600,000 for Pantin, EUR 200,000 for Les Lilas and the same for Le Pré-Saint-Gervais).

4 geothermal wells

Sipperec will award a public service delegation to the local public company Unigéo created for the occasion and chaired by Samuel Besnard, vice-president of Sipperec and deputy mayor of Cachan. Then, Unigeo, next April, will initiate the process of designating an operator to drill four geothermal wells, announced for 2023 near the sports area of ??the future located avenue Jean-Jaurès in Lilas.

20,000 social housing and public buildings will benefit as a priority from this 20 km network, which should make it possible to avoid the emission of 28,000 tonnes of CO2, ie the equivalent of the annual emissions of 19,000 cars.

The local elected representatives unanimously welcomed the exemplary nature of the approach, considering it emblematic of an inter-municipality that makes it possible to do more and better than if the municipalities were each working on their own. “While heat represents nearly 50% of our energy consumption and is based on nearly 60% of imported fossil fuels and high CO2 emitters, geothermal energy is a local response to climate issues and energy independence”, say argue the promoters of this project supported by EPT Est Ensemble and Ademe.

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