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Nuclear waste
Nuclear Power
Oak Ridge Restores Waste Processing
The Transuranic Waste Processing Center at Oak RidgeThe US Department of Energy (DOE) said the Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM) and contracto
Nuclear Power
Potential UK Sites for Geological Disposal Facility Identified
A GDF, also known as a nuclear waste disposal site, is an underground facility that safely stores and isolates hazardous waste.The UK’s Nuclear Waste Serv
Nuclear Power
Regulator in Final Stages of Finnish Repository Licence Review
The Onkalo facility with the Olkiluoto plant in the backgroundFinland's Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority has said it is on track to complete its asses
Nuclear Power
Viewpoint: International Collaboration Is Key for Geological Disposal Programmes
Different countries planning the safe, permanent disposal of nuclear waste in geological repositories are sharing experiences and learning from each other, as N
Nuclear Power
IAEA Confirms Fukushima Water Discharge Safety
IAEA Task Force performed a walkdown of the water tanks used in the ALPS treated water discharge process (Photo credit: TEPCO)The discharge of the ALPS (Advance
Nuclear Power
SKB to Weld Finnish Nuclear Waste Capsules
Friction stir welding of a copper lid in SKB’s canister laboratory in Oskarshamn, Sweden (Photo credit: SKB)Swedish radioactive waste management company S
Nuclear Power
Canada Selects Nuclear Waste Repository Site
3D rendering of Canada’s Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation deep geological repository (Photo credit: NWMO)Canada’s Nuclear Waste Management Organisation
Nuclear Power
Orano Completes Return Of Nuclear Waste To Germany
Between 1977 and 1991, contracts for the treatment of used fuel were signed by Orano with German utilities EnBW, PreussenElektra, RWE and Vattenfall.These contr
Nuclear Power
Veolia Aims To Recycle Copper From Wires In Decommissioned Nuclear Plants
Electric cables in decommissioned nuclear power plants which were previously incinerated can now have their copper recovered using a new technique successfully
Nuclear Power
How Cumbria Waste Repository Is Driving Safe And Sustainable Nuclear Waste Management
As director of Sites and Operations at the UK’s Nuclear Waste Services, Mike Pigott has a pivotal role, leading, directing, and controlling all activities
Nuclear Power
China-Japan Accord on Monitoring of Fukushima Water Releases
China looks set to start lifting its ban on the import of Japanese fishery products after reaching an agreement with Japan for the independent monitoring of the
Nuclear Power
Successful Start to Trial Run at Finnish Repository
The first stage of the trial run of placing disposal cannisters in the Onkalo used nuclear fuel repository has been completed successfully, Finnish waste manage
Nuclear Power
More Delays for Japanese Reprocessing Plant
The Rokkasho reprocessing plant (Image: JNFL)Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited (JNFL), the operator of Japan’s first commercial nuclear fuel plant, currently und
Nuclear Power
Trial Run at Finnish Repository Starts
Finnish waste management company Posiva announced it has begun a trial run of placing disposal cannisters in the Onkalo used nuclear fuel repository. No actual
Nuclear Power
Germany’s Krümmel Gets Decommissioning and Dismantling Permit
Germany's Krümmel nuclear power plant has been given the regulatory go-ahead to move from post-operation to decommissioning, with dismantling work sche
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Most views from Nuclear waste
Alexey Likhachev, Director General of ROSATOM, held the meeting with Zhang Kejian, the head of the China Atomic Energy Authority
IAEA Strengthens Cooperation With China
The Head of Rosatom Alexey Likhachev Met with IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi
Germany’s Krümmel Gets Decommissioning and Dismantling Permit
Regulator in Final Stages of Finnish Repository Licence Review
Potential UK Sites for Geological Disposal Facility Identified