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German Local Metal Traders Association Want to be Included in Climate Change Plans
German politicians should recognize the value of the domestic metals recycling industry by including its representatives on the planned expert council for clima…
Trump Confirms US Withdrawal from “Terrible” Paris Agreement
The US president announced the departure of the US from the Paris Agreement whilst addressing an energy conference in Pittsburgh. He described the agreement as …
New Technology
Fast 5G Technology Will Help Reduce Global Carbon Emissions by Half A Billion Tonnes
As a result, a fast roll out could reduce emissions by half a billion tonnes by 2030, the equivalent of the annual emissions from international aviation for a f…
Market Analysis
Wind Power Industry Warns of Global Trade War Threat
Leaders of the wind power industry have warned that the global trade war could endanger progress on renewable energy, as slowing growth in clean energy projects…
83% Belgians Want to Maintain Nuclear Energy to Keep CO2 Emissions
The poll, carried out for the Belgian Nuclear Forum (BNF), found that 83% say nuclear power should remain in the Belgian energy mix, with 37% saying plants shou…
Market Analysis
PV Performance Projections for The 21st Century According to "Global Climate Classification"
The paper confirmed Chile’s Atacama region has the world’s highest solar radiation but also showed the region with the highest performance ratio for PV system…
Renewable Energy 's Booming is not Growing Fast enought to Fight the Climate Change
Nearly a third of the Earth's electricity will come from renewables by 2024, according to the International Energy Agency.
JRC Report: Global CO2 Emissions Increased by 1.9% in 2018
The Fossil CO2 & GHG emissions for all world countries report presents the latest updates from the Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research tool devel…
Carbon Pricing
Germany's Carbon Trading Schem is Incompatible With EU's Exsiting Carbon Market
Germany’s planned domestic carbon trading scheme for the transport and heating sectors was too complex to be compatible with Europe’s existing carbon market, …
Wind Power Project
Wind Power Industry Warns of Global Trade War Threat
Leaders of the wind power industry have warned that the global trade war could endanger progress on renewable energy, as slowing growth in clean energy projects…
Most of World's Coal Power Stations Must Close By 2030 to Meet Paris Target
Governments will need to close most of the world’s coal-fired power stations by 2030, and place a halt on the construction of new coal generators, if there is …
Committee on Climate Change
The Committee on Climate Change is an independent, statutory non-departmental public body established under the Climate Change Act 2008.
Nuclear Technology
How 'World View' Affects Public Perception of Nuclear Power
Public perception of nuclear power in mitigating climate change does not depend exclusively on education, but is also determined to a large extent by each indiv…
MIT and Eni Renew Low-Carbon Energy Research Collaboration
Italian oil and gas company Eni and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have extended Eni’s tenure as a Founding Member of the MIT Energy Initiativ…
Unilever Announced A New Strategy to Reach A “Waste Free World”
The consumer goods company has confirmed that by 2025, it will halve its use of virgin plastics. They will do this by reducing its absolute use of plastic packa…
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