Working with Britain’s National Electricity System Operator (NESO), this initiative will use Hypervolt EV chargers to support the grid at times when it is facing challenges maintaining the required frequency, EDF said.
The offer aligns with NESO’s Clean Power 2030 Report, emphasizing quicker responses to maintain system frequency near 50 Hz and increasing services through frequency markets, according to EDF. Using its PowerShift capability, EDF said it will automatically adjust Hypervolt EV chargers to balance the grid during peak demand or when there is excess renewable energy. This approach helps customers save on electricity costs, reduce their carbon footprint, and maximize renewable energy use, it said.
Current and future Hypervolt charger owners will have access to an innovative smart charging tariff from EDF, providing the best value for those who frequently charge their EVs. Customers who enroll in this tariff will always have control over their charging preferences, including the desired level of charge and the time of day they want their EV charged. Charging will be managed automatically, requiring no manual intervention, and savings will be available on the EDF app, the company said.
Hypervolt charger owners who are not EDF customers can also benefit from flexibility savings through PowerShift, EDF's virtual power plant. PowerShift optimizes flexibility value from grid-scale and behind-the-meter assets by utilizing artificial intelligence, real-time data analytics, and advanced algorithms. EDF said it offers its multi-market flexibility trading capability to EV charge point manufacturers, helping capture value and reduce costs for all EV drivers.
“Our partnership with Hypervolt highlights EDF Wholesale Market Services' commitment to integrating EV solutions into our award-winning PowerShift solution, leveraging our unique capability to create value in all available markets. We look forward to helping more customers optimize their energy usage and actively engaging in the transition towards a low carbon future”, Stuart Fenner, Wholesale Market Services Commercial Director at EDF, said.
“We are thrilled to partner with EDF to expand our innovative smart tariff offerings. Together, we aim to deliver unmatched affordability, quality, and user experience, driving forward the energy transition”, Flavian Alexandru, Founder and CEO of Hypervolt, added.