
Thermal Power

20 Mar 2023

EBA Welcomes Recognition of Biomethane in the Net-Zero Industrial Act

20 Mar 2023  by   

The European Biogas Association (EBA) has welcomed the recognition of biomethane among the strategic net-zero technologies in the Net-Zero Industrial Act (NZIA). The new regulation proposal puts the supply of clean technologies at the centre. In 2022, the REPowerEU's action plan featured the objective of 35 billion m3 (370 TWh) annual biomethane production by 2030, a 12-fold increase from 2020 production volumes. The NZIA proposal will facilitate the roll-out of the necessary industrial capacity to achieve the REPowerEU's objective.

The whole biomethane value-chain, including manufacture of anaerobic digestion and gasification systems, is solidly based in the EU. EBA also supports the commission's plan to monitor workforce demand and supply and to facilitate the set-up of training programmes. The biogas and biomethane sector today provide more than 220 000 jobs and will provide 420 000 and 1 million jobs, by 2030 and 2050 respectively.

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