
Wind Power

07 Mar 2022

Power Generation From Wind Reaches a New Record in Ireland in February

07 Mar 2022  by   

53 per cent of Ireland’s electricity last month came from wind power.

February 5 set a new All-Ireland record for the amount of wind energy on the Irish grid at 4,584 MW. Picture Dan Linehan

February was a record month for wind energy in Ireland with more than half the country's energy needs coming from wind power.

Wind energy was the number one source of electricity throughout the month and February 5 set a new All-Ireland record for the amount of wind energy on the Irish grid at 4,584 MW.

A report from Wind Energy Ireland also highlights the importance of wind energy in cutting the price of wholesale electricity. The report shows that during the windiest periods of the month, wholesale prices were almost €100 cheaper per MWh than during less windy days, at €134.25 per MWh, versus €229.62.

Noel Cunniffe, CEO of Wind Energy Ireland said the results show the ever-increasing importance of wind energy and renewables for the Irish energy sector. “The fact that wholesale prices fall when wind energy production is high shows that wind energy will play an increasingly important role in the coming months, mitigating the worst effects of the predicted price increases for consumers due to spiralling fossil fuel import prices.”

The report highlighted the dramatic increase in energy prices between February 2021 and 2022, with wholesale electricity prices rising almost three-fold.


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