
Oil & Gas

24 Jan 2022

Kuwait's Kufpec Discovers Gas, Condensate in Indonesia

24 Jan 2022  by   

Kufpec, the foreign upstream arm of Kuwait's state-owned KPC, today announced a gas and condensate discovery in the Anambas block in the Natuna Sea north of Indonesia, marking the company's first ever offshore find.

The discovery was made at the Anambas-2X well which reached a total depth of 3,200m. Kufpec Indonesia conducted two drill stem tests as part of the campaign in the block so far, one in the Lower Gabus formation and the other in the Intra Keras formation.

These tests resulted in a stabilized combined flow rate of 7mn ft3/d of natural gas and 1,240 b/d of condensate from the two formations. The company said it intends to conduct more tests on other formations within the same well.

The Anambas block, covering an area of 3,450 km2, was awarded to Kufpec Indonesia in 2019 through a bidding process. The company holds a 100pc participating interest in the block and has a 30-year production sharing licence, including a 6-year exploration period.

The block is adjacent to Natuna Block A, a license that Kufpec has been participating in since the early 1980s.

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