
Power Grid

14 Nov 2021

NextEra Submits Grid Plans for New York Offshore

14 Nov 2021  by   

NextEra Energy Transmission New York has submitted multiple proposals in response to the New York Independent System Operator's (NYISO) Long Island Offshore Wind Public Policy Transmission Need.

[Image: Pixabay]

The proposals, collectively called the New York Renewable Connect, aim to help New York meet its offshore wind energy goals by reinforcing the transmission grid on Long Island and into Southeastern New York State.

NextEra said the plans accommodate varying levels of Long Island offshore wind injections, with each proposal has designed to ensure reliable and cost-effective delivery of offshore wind energy for New York customers.
The proposals include cost containment provisions that aim to minimise New York customer financial exposure, the company said.

NYISO will be looking at a variety of factors to evaluate the strength of each proponent's submission and could select a proposal in the second half of 2022 to move forward with development and construction, it added.

NextEra Energy Transmission president Eric Gleason said: “For nearly 20 years, NextEra Energy companies have been supporting New York's energy needs.

“As the largest generator of renewable energy from the wind and the sun in the world, and the leader in competitive electric transmission, we support and applaud New York's clean energy goals.”


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