
Power Grid

27 Jul 2021

LS Cable and System to Build High-Rise Undersea Cable Production Tower

27 Jul 2021  by   

LS Cable and System will invest 185.9 billion won to build an undersea cable system production plant in Donghae, Gangwon Province, the company said on July 25. The plant will include the tallest power cable production tower in Korea. The company will break ground for the plant in October 2021 for completion in April 2023.

An image of LS Cable and System’s new plant to be built in Donghae in Korea

When the new plant is completed, LS Cable and System's production capacity will increase more than 1.5 times. The cable maker expects to improve cable insulation quality and boost productivity by constructing the 172-meter-tall tower, which is as hall as a 63-stroy apartment building.

Earlier in 2008, LS Cable and System built Korea’s first undersea cable plant in Donghae City on the eastern coast has since invested about 340 billion won to upgrade it. The existing plant is built on a site of 216,000 square meters and has a floor space of 84,000 square meters. The new plant has a total floor space of 31,000 square meters.

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