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Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Australia's Footprint to Become the Biggest “Dealer” in Fossil Fuel Emissions
The report shows Australia on track to be responsible for up to 13% of global greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, as Australia ramps up its exports of coal and ga…
Renewables Catching Nuclear Power In Global Energy Race
This article is the fifth in a series on BP's recently-released Statistical Review of World Energy 2019. Previous articles in this series covered carbon dioxide…
World’s First 100% Hydrogen Testing Facility Unveiled
H21, the world’s largest project to reduce carbon emissions, has launched the first ever testing facility for 100% hydrogen.
This Oil Major Says Net Zero Emissions Is ‘The Only Way To Go’
The world needs to get to the point at which it will no longer add to the stock of greenhouse gases, and reducing emissions to net zero “is the only way to go,…
Thermal Fuel
Biogas' could Slash Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions by up to 13%'
A new report highlights that currently, only 2% of available feedstocks undergo anaerobic digestion and are turned into biogas. Biogas could be used to slash gl…
Solar Power Plant
Largest Solar Power Plant in the World Switches on in Abu Dhabi
The world’s largest solar power plant with a capacity of 1,177 megawatts (MW) is now operational in Abu Dhabi. Thisrenewable project in the United Arab Emirate…
How A Perfect Storm is Driving Microgrids into the Mainstream
Given the diverse benefits that microgrids provide – reductions in energy costs, business risk, and carbon emissions, and increases in resiliency and power rel…
H-vision Kicks Off the Hydrogen Economy in Rotterdam
The large-scale production and utilisation of blue hydrogen will allow local industry in Rotterdam to substantially reduce its CO2 emissions, well before 2030. …
Germany: Esi Receives Two Hydrogen Powered Toyota Mirai’s
Siegen starts into the hydrogen age: The local disposal company ESi has now added two Toyota Mirai (fuel consumption hydrogen combined 0.76 kg / 100 km, combine…
Oil & Gas Trade
America's Liquefied Natural Gas Boom May be on a Collision Course with Climate Change
The US energy industry is scrambling to build dozens of expensive export terminals that can be used to ship cheap natural gas to China and other fast-growing ec…
Energy White Paper
Japan Will Explore New Avenues for Energy Self-Sufficiency
Japan’s government this June adopted a new energy white paper that suggests the country must rely on a larger share of nuclear and renewables to slash its carb…
Clean Coal
G20 Stalls on Fossil Fuel Subsidies Despite Calls for Climate Action
As G20 countries meet for the group’s annual summit in Osaka, the world’s leading economies are failing to phase out wasteful fossil fuel subsidies and host J…
Nuclear Policy
CBI Urges Investment in Nuclear Power and Carbon Capture
Lobbying business group the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) has urged the UK Government to build new nuclear power stations in order to achieve net-zero…
US Lawmaker Introduces Binding 50% RE Target
This would put the US on a trajectory to decarbonise the power sector by 2050, said the bill's main sponsor, senator Tom Udall of New Mexico.
Electricity Transmission
Bloom Energy Announces Hydrogen-Powered Energy Servers to Make Always-On Renewable Electricity a Reality
The race to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is the defining challenge of our generation. The world needs more clean and renewable power quickly.
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