

11 Jun 2024

Kidston pumped storage project world’s first to use fully recycled aggregates in concrete, says Holcim

11 Jun 2024  by waterpowermagazine   

In Queensland, Australia, Holcim is playing a key role in the Kidston pumped storage hydropower project, set to become operational in 2025.

Located 280km north-west of Townsville on the site of a decommissioned gold mine, Kidston is the world’s first pumped hydro power project to use 100% recycled aggregates in all its concrete. This initiative has been in development since 2018, with Holcim Australia collaborating with McConnell Dowell and John Holland JV.

Queensland currently meets 20% of its electricity demand with renewable sources, and the Kidston project will enhance this by supplying eight hours of hydro-generated power daily.

Alex Graff, National Contracts Manager at Holcim Australia, highlighted the project’s sustainability efforts: “Holcim has prioritized sustainability on the project by using 100% recycled aggregates in all supplied concrete used for both surface works and underground in the 2 km access tunnel to the pumphouse.” The project also makes use of mining waste, processed on-site, to replace the need for new quarry extraction.

“We’re very proud to be a key delivery partner for such a significant and transformative sustainable energy project here in North Queensland. In such a remote location, often affected by challenging weather conditions, the site team has done a fantastic job thus far to deliver over 100,000 cubic meters of high quality concrete,” Graff said.

The Kidston project is a significant step towards Australia’s 2050 net-zero target and will help Queensland meet its renewable energy goals of 70% by 2032 and 80% by 2035. Once operational, it will generate enough power for towns with a combined population of 400,000 for eight hours daily.

Mick de Brenni, State Minister for Energy and Clean Economy Jobs, emphasized the project’s importance: “Once operational, Kidston Pumped Hydro will generate enough energy to power towns with the combined population of Cairns, Townsville and Rockhampton (400,000 people) for eight hours each and every day.”


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