
Wind Power

04 Jul 2023

Engie Started Operation of the Largest Wind Power Plant in Peru

04 Jul 2023  by evwind   

Engie Energía Perú, one of the largest electricity generation companies in the country, announced the commercial operation of the Punta Lomitas Wind Power Plant with a nominal capacity of 260 megawatts (Mw).

He explained that the construction of the plant was financed by an 11-year loan fully subscribed by IDB Invest for up to 300 million dollars, which includes resources mobilized from FMO, a Dutch business development bank, for 100 million and from BNP Paribas, for 55 millions

The entry into operation of the wind power plant means avoiding more than 230,000 tons of CO2 per year, which is equivalent to the fact that approximately 50,000 vehicles a year stop circulating.

You can also read: Peru will double renewable energy production in 2023

He stressed that the wind power plant will help Peru increase the non-conventional renewable energy (ERNC) component of its energy matrix, helping it to achieve the national goal set for its nationally determined contribution (NDC) of reducing its emissions by 30% total greenhouse gases compared to its 2030 baseline.

The Punta Lomitas Wind Power Plant has a nominal capacity of 260 Mw and after completing its 36.4 Mw expansion, it will increase its total capacity to 296.4 Mw.

It is located in the district of Ocucaje, in the Ica Region, and has 50 wind turbines (plus seven wind turbines from its expansion), two electrical substations; and 60 kilometers of transmission lines that connect the plant with the National Interconnected Electric System (SEIN).

During the construction period, the project generated a peak of 1,000 direct jobs, of which 100% of this (unskilled) labor was of local origin, from the direct impact communities of the Ocucaje district, in the Ica Region.

The participation of IDB Invest contributed to the sustainability of the project, by guaranteeing compliance with local and international standards in the evaluation and management of environmental and social risks and impacts, labor conditions, the efficient use of resources and the prevention of pollution, and community health and safety.

De este modo, se contribuyó a cinco de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de las Naciones Unidas: Energía limpia y asequible (ODS 7), Trabajo decente y crecimiento económico (ODS 8), Industria, innovación e infraestructura (ODS 9), Acción climático (ODS 13), y Alianza para los Objetivos (ODS 17).

El BID Invest, miembro del Grupo BID, es un banco multilateral de desarrollo comprometido a promover el desarrollo económico de sus países miembros en América Latina y el Caribe a través del sector privado.

Financia empresas y proyectos sostenibles para que alcancen resultados financieros y maximicen el desarrollo económico, social y medio ambiental en la región.

Con una cartera de 16.330 millones de dólares en activos bajo gestión y 394 clientes en 25 países, BID Invest provee soluciones financieras y servicios de asesoría que responde a las necesidades de sus clientes en una variedad de sectores.


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