

12 Jan 2023

Brochu stepping down as president and CEO of Hydro-Québec

12 Jan 2023  by   

Hydro-Québec’s President and Chief Executive Officer, Sophie Brochu, announced to the president of the board of directors that she will end her term on April 11.

“I arrived at Hydro-Québec in April 2020, when Quebec was hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic,” Brochu said. “The economic and social situation was highly worrying and I felt challenged. I humbly thought that I could serve Quebec, which was then going through a period of turbulence. The tumult linked to the pandemic is largely behind us and Hydro-Québec is now in a good position: we have adopted a strategic plan that charts the course of Québec’s energy transition and the financial situation of the company is excellent. The time has come to pass the torch.”

When she joined the company, Hydro-Québec said Brochu had more than 30 years of experience in the energy sector and “is renowned for her human and unifying leadership style.” In 1997, she joined Énergir (formerly Gaz Métro), where she held various senior management positions, including president and CEO from 2007 to 2019.

“With her humanism, her qualities as a communicator and her vast experience in the energy sector, Sophie will leave a mark that will stand the test of time. Under her leadership, a new strategic plan was developed with the participation of a large number of internal collaborators and representatives of Quebec society – which testifies to her qualities as a unifier,” said Jacynthe Côté, president of the board of directors. “A constructive dialogue has also been engaged with indigenous communities, and innovative partnerships have been established with them. Finally, Hydro-Québec signed the long-awaited major export contract with the State of New York and completed a major acquisition of hydroelectric power stations in the United States. Sophie was able to surround herself with a solid management committee and mobilize the entire Hydro-Québec team, on whom we can fully rely for the coming years. On behalf of the Board members, I thank her and place my full trust in the Hydro-Québec team. “

In terms of succession planning, Hydro-Québec’s board of directors is in a position to recommend candidates to the Québec government, according to a release. Per the Hydro-Québec Act, the appointment of the CEO of Hydro-Québec is subject to a decision by the Council of Ministers.

Hydro-Québec generates, transmits and distributes electricity. It is Canada’s largest electricity producer and one of the largest hydroelectric producers in the world, sourcing most of its electricity supply from hydroelectric generating stations. Its sole shareholder is the Quebec government.


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