
Energy Storage

19 Jul 2022

Frv and Harmony Energy to Construct UK Battery Storage Project

19 Jul 2022  by   
Fotowatio Renewable Ventures (FRV), part of Abdul Latif Jameel Energy, and UK developer Harmony Energy, have announced the initial construction works of Clay Tue, the UK’s largest battery storage development project in their mission to contribute to the decarbonisation of Britain’s energy grid.

The Clay Tye site is located in Essex and will have a total power of 99 MW / 198 MWh, making it the biggest project of its kind under construction in the UK. Clay Tye follows the successful completion of FRV and Harmony Energy’s West-Sussex based battery storage facility, Contego, which has a capacity of 34 MW / 68 MWh. It also follows the completion of FRV’s Dorset-based Holes Bay battery energy storage project, which has a capacity of 7.5 MW / 15 MWh. The project reflects FRV’s long-term investment plan to develop energy storage projects globally in countries such as Australia, Mexico, Chile, and Spain.

Clay Tye uses 52 Tesla Megapack lithium-ion batteries, together with Tesla’s Autobidder AI software for energy capacity exchange and efficient project management. The Megapack batteries have a capacity of 198 MWh and are connected to UK Power Networks distribution network, providing the capability to store energy from renewable sources and afford peak-time flexibility to the UK National Grid as part of the UK’s continuing shift away from fossil fuels.

“Clay Tye is going to be a significant milestone in our growth objective in the UK energy storage market. This BESS strengthens the long-term sustainability of our business model and our leadership position in the market. In this way, we are continuing the path for the future FRV’s assets in the country, which are in the commercial operation, construction, and development phase,” said Felipe Hernández, FRV Managing Director of Engineering and FRV-X.

“This is another significant milestone in our continued growth, and we’re pleased to be working alongside FRV once again,” said Peter Kavanagh, Harmony Energy CEO. “Clay Tye has taken 6 years to reach this stage. It is one of the largest projects of its kind in the UK, and will contribute to future energy security whilst supporting decarbonisation of the grid.”

Fady Jameel, Deputy President and Vice Chairman of Abdul Latif Jameel, said: “We are always looking for opportunities to spearhead the move to a more sustainable future. Today, we are collaborating with Harmony Energy to commence the construction of Clay Tye, which highlights our commitment to tackling climate change in a tangible and sustainable way. The energy transition has always been a core priority for us, and we are working hand-in-hand with the right partners to develop an energy system that is more sustainable, secure, and affordable.”

Head of FRV-X, David Menéndez, said: “We are proud to start construction of one of the UK’s largest battery storage developments by MWh, and contribute to this country’s decarbonisation.”

Recently FRV-X (FRV’s innovation and venturing division) became an Evergen major investor after closing an AUS$15 million Series-B fundraiser. Evergen is a renewable energy software business that optimises the performance of residential, commercial, and utility scale battery systems. Batteries are then orchestrated in fleets enabling network operators, retailers, and others to use these systems as virtual power plants (VPPs).


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