

23 Nov 2021

Tersus Power to Develop Hydrogen Stations with Dispensing Capacity of 1250kg per Day in the US

23 Nov 2021  by   

Tersus Power is aiming to develop a new hydrogen production and dispensing system capable of supplying 1250kg of hydrogen per day to enable the rollout of a hydrogen highway in California, US.

The new refuelling station aims to achieve several different aspects that will enable the creation of a diverse highway system in the US that contributes to the decarbonisation of the mobility sector.

One key aspect of the hydrogen refuelling station is that it aims to lower the entry to the hydrogen marker by reducing the initial capital investment required to deploy stations and infrastructure for hydrogen.

As well as this, Tersus is also reducing the operational cost through intelligent engineering and design by reducing the total maintenance and feedstock requirements while greatly extending the operational life span of its modular system to over 15 years.

The hydrogen refuelling station is also able to produce and dispense hydrogen onsite at a cost-competitive rate whilst also eliminating the need and high expense associated with transporting hydrogen from offsite refineries.

Michael Rosen, CEO and President of Tersus Power, said, “Billions of dollars of hydrogen trucks and cars are expected on the market in the next 24 -36 months from incumbents (Toyota, Daimler/Volvo, Hyundai, Hyzon) and upstart Nikola.

“The hydrogen market is expected to be a $130bn dollar market in the USA by 2030 a 

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